2013年11月15日13:30在国际工商管理学院二楼报告厅举办我校“科学·人文”讲堂第五场讲座,主讲人为耶鲁大学Anne P. Underhill博士,主讲题目为Recent Archaeological Research on Early Chinese Civilization.
Dr. Anne P. Underhill, professor of Anthropology at Yale University, specializes in development of complex societies and archaeology of East Asia.
Dr. Anne P. Underhill’s related interests are ethnoarchaeology, ethnic minority cultures of China, museum anthropology, and protecting sites from the illegal antiquities market. Anne has collaborated with archaeologists at Shandong University, in regional survey and excavation since 1995. The focus has been understanding changes in regional settlement and economic organization during the late prehistoric and early Bronze Age periods in the Rizhao area of southeastern Shandong. Anne was honored with a National Friendship Award from the government of China in 2008.